Thursday, January 31, 2019

How to Set Up Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises WFOE in Chongqing China, WFOEs Registration Procedure and Document Required in Chongqing China

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As located at the geometrical center of China, Chongqing has become a transportation hub on the upper reaches of Yangtze River. Chongqing extends its highway in all directions; Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport, one of the top ten airports in China, and the largest port on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are both located in Chongqing. The completed Three Gorges Project improves the navigation capacity. Through the golden waterway, Chongqing is directly linked to the rivers and seas.

Once an old industrial base, Chongqing has rapidly emerged as one of the fastest growing and fastest urbanising cities in China and, according to some reports, the world. Located in China’s west, the municipality of Chongqing boasts a population of over 30 million (one of the largest in China) and a GDP growth rate of 11% year on year (also one of the fastest of China). It is also the centre of China’s ‘Go West’ Strategy which has created a unique business and investment environment for foreign companies. Despite its profile, Chongqing still remains largely unknown to the West who often look to Beijing and Shanghai when entering the China market. For foreign companies wanting to launch into the China market, we believe that Chongqing should be there next destination. 

WFOE stands for wholly foreign owned enterprise, which is a limited liability company wholly owned by either a foreign legal entity or a foreign natural person. The foreign investors may be foreign enterprises or individuals.Wholly owned foreign entities (WOFEs) are the vehicle of choice for most people and companies doing business in China. It is less complex than a joint venture (JV) and allows you to concentrate on what your employees are up to as opposed to your partners. It is required to register as a legal person who is restricted to certain businesses. The enterprise is able to implement strategies that effectively conform to the interests of the parent company aboard. Moreover, technology and know-how are given better protection. 

No. minimum registered capital is required for WFOEs with scope of business of consulting, Trading, retailing, information technology etc. in China. There are minimum registered capital still required for some industries for instance: Banking, Forwarding etc Since China still maintains foreign currency control policy, it's still advisable to choose registered capital within RMB 100,000 ~ RMB 500,000 as the minimum registered capital. Companies can now determine how much capital will be required to maintain their operations and must simply ensure that they meet those targets within a period of 10 years.
Advantages of WFOE 

1. Independence and freedom to implement the worldwide strategies of its parent company without having to consider the involvement of the Chinese partner;
2. Ability to formally carry on business rather than just a representative office function;
3. Issue invoices to their customers in RMB and receive RMB revenues. Convert RMB profits to US dollars for remittance to their parent company outside.
4. cheap labor, which can lower your cost;
5. not required to share profits with Chinese counterpart;
6. Greater efficiency in its operations, management and future development.

The procedure to Setting up WOFEs in Chongqing China

Stage 1: Preliminary approval - Project Proposal
The application procedure for setting up a WOFE is simpler. The project proposal will be prepared by the foreign investors and submitted directly to local authorities. The foreign investor may appoint a local agent to liaise with the government. To do so, he has to sign an authorization letter stipulating the agent’s scope of services, responsibility and fees.
Generally, the authority will give an official reply within 30 days upon receipt of the proposal and other relevant documents. The approval or rejection letter will be issued to the foreign investor. If a favorable reply is received, the foreign investor can proceed to register the company’s name at the local AIC.
The report must contain information regarding the objectives of the WOFE, business scope, scale of operation, products to be produced, technology and equipment to be used, land area required, conditions and quantities of water, electricity, gas and other forms of energy resources required, and requirements for public facilities.

Stage 2: Formal approval - Articles of Association
After the foreign investor receives a written reply from the relevant government authorities, a formal application supported by all the required documents should be filed with the local Ministry of Commerce at a county, municipal or provincial level. After receiving the formal approval, the foreign investor should apply to the Ministry of Commerce again for an approval certificate by presenting all the necessary documents.
The required documents include the application letter for establishing the WOFE; a feasibility study report (if any), articles of association, list of legal representatives (or Board of Directors), the foreign investor’s legal papers and credit report, a list of materials to be imported, written replies from the local approval authorities at county level or above, application for registration of the name of the enterprise approved by the provincial or municipal administration AIC, comments on the project by various government departments such as environmental protection, fire services, health and land administration. In the case where two or more foreign investors are involved, copies of the contracts signed by them should be submitted to the approval authority for their records.

Stage 3: Business License
Upon collection of the approval certificate, an application for a business license has to be filed with the provincial or municipal AIC within 30 days. The local AIC will issue the business license within 10 working days to projects that have passed the examination. Likewise, the date the business license is issued will be considered the official date of the establishment of the enterprise.
Having acquired the business license, the WOFE has to finish up with procedures such as applying for an official seal and enterprise code, opening a bank account, and registering for tax payment and customs declaration with the local public security, technical supervision, taxation, customs, finance, foreign exchange administration, banking, insurance and commodity inspection departments.

Compared to registering a business in most Western countries, registering a business in China is challenging work filled with paperwork and bureaucratic red tape. It is practically impossible to properly complete the registration process without a qualified agency. Be sure that the agency is qualified and the agency has good connections and relationships with the various local authorities, and that they possess comprehensive knowledge about the numerous important aspects involved with legally and properly registering a WFOE

Tommy China BusinessConsulting has direct connections in the local government
Since 2006, TCBC has been focusing on consulting services for our clients to invest in Chongqing China, . We are specialized in establishment of wholly foreign owned enterprises (WFOEs), setting up of offshore companies, trading services, tax minimization Assist in obtaining government approvals and certificates for running business, negotiate and draft various legal documents provide legal advice, negotiate government officer for Land acquisition,
Advising on formation of WOFE and business structures ,managing and controlling WOFE in Chongqing China, , drafting privacy policies and structuring commercial transactions. TCBC will manage all aspects of incorporation to get you a business license in Chongqing  China. We offer a range of company formation services including helping you to set up: 

-Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOE )
-Representative Offices
-Joint Ventures (Equity/Co-operative)
-Foreign Invested Partnership Enterprises (FIPE)
-Hong Kong Holding Company